Seasons greetings and Happy New Year to all of our wonderful PDF members! We think it’s safe to say… 2020 has been a rough year for all of us. But having just turned the New Year corner and with a light shining at the end of this terrible tunnel called “Pandemic”, it’s time to start looking forward to what is in store for us ahead!
Every year, I like to take a day or two and reflect on the past year. I am definitely a “resolutions” type. Not a million resolutions, but just three to five big ones that I truly feel I can commit to. My yearly habit is to take a couple of days and answer some “reflection prompts”. I find that by doing so, I can arrange my thoughts in a way that supports writing some resolutions that I feel will truly make me a better person. That being said, I thought this year would be nice to share some of those reflection prompts with you. Here are the 10 questions I’ll be answering in my post-holiday food-coma haze.
1. What are the biggest lessons you learned in 2020?
2. How have your priorities changed over the course of 2020? Or have they changed?
3. What in 2021 do you plan to do differently?
4. List the three biggest goals you want to achieve in 2021.
5. What are you most excited about for 2021?
6. What do you want to do this year to make your world a better place?
7. What things do you want to improve about yourself as a professional?
8. How have you grown emotionally? Physically? Spiritually?
9. What do you want to do better in your business?
10. Who are the people you want to connect – or reconnect – with the most?
We hope this list helps to give you a bit of retrospection and insight. Stay safe, stay healthy, and happy dancing!
-Kora Stoynova